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Leadership Blog
A User’s Guide to Power (Dr. Julie Diamond)
This blog focuses on learning about power, growing our leadership skills. Most blogs on leadership fall into one of two camps: how-tos’ on leadership challenges (change, communication, navigating economic challenges) or blogs that critique leaders: politicians, CEOs, etc. This blog will be different. I’m interested in exploring how we grow into leadership; how we use power, the fog of war that awaits us as we step into the role, and how to navigate the pitfalls and hazards of wielding power and authority. In short, I’m interested in learning more about the behaviors and skills compromising our use of power. Even though power is most often associated with office, strength, economics, or whatever, at its root, it’s still a set of behaviors. And therefore, using it well is learnable. As such, this blog will be personal, hopefully a place where learning, mistakes, best practices and stories can be shared.