With Trauma Specialist: Emetchi
Friday May 6, 2011
In addition to focusing on the impact of trauma related to the earthquake, tsunami and radiation, the workshop will also provide space for participants to work on traumatic impact of any experience. Participants can expect to get fresh tools and a new way of thinking about trauma that they can use.
In today's fast paced, complex and increasingly unpredictable world we are all vulnerable to experiencing trauma; to being overwhelmed and rendered helpless by a force so powerful that escape or retaliation is impossible. Trauma is disempowering and disconnecting, it can fragment the human psyche and freeze into a knot much of a person's life force.
Trauma occurs as a result of a profoundly shocking experience; one that an individual does not have the resources to cope with and/or bounce back from. none of us are exempt or insured against it, bad things can happen to good people and sometimes for no apparent reason. It is how we respond to traumatic experience and what we do with it that makes the difference. How we respond can greatly affect the quality of the rest of our lives and often also the quality of life for people near and dear to us.
While trauma is a fact of life it does not have to be a life sentence. With appropriate guidance and support, not only can trauma be healed it can become transformative. To loosen the knot of trauma it is necessary to harvest the information and energy embedded in the experience itself and bring it back to our everyday lives and use it constructively and creatively.
This experiential workshop uses process-oriented psychology, also called Process Work. Process Work is a cross-disciplinary awareness paradigm with an inherent belief that within a problem is contained the seeds of a solution. It offers tools for working in a range of different levels of awareness and brings fresh practical methods of gaining an overview outside the often-hypnotic content of the trauma experience. This methodology enlarges the framework of perception about trauma and engenders more trust in a person's own instinctive intelligence, frees up knotted energy and often creates a deepened alignment with living Life in the present.
In this one-day workshop participants will learn:
- the process oriented approach to working with trauma and background philosophy;
- the value of using roles and role theory;
- understand the victim-survivor-thriver continuum;
- learn simple effective methods of affect regulation; (managing your emotions);
- become familiar with the stages of recovery;
- learn some over-arching metaskills;
More on the facilitator: Emetchii MA, AASP(Australian Association of Somatic Psychotherapist) is a certified Process Work Diplomat in the faculty of the Process Work Institute in Portland, Oregon, USA where she teaches, supervises, trains and mentors students. She has a private psychotherapy and consultation business and teaches within the USA as well as in Central America, Australia, New Zealand and in different countries in Europe. She has thirty years experience working therapeutically with a wide range of government and non-government agencies. Her trauma work brings a fusion of much clinical experience and her own personal trauma history.
Dates: Friday May 6, 2011
Times:10am-5pm with 1 hr. lunch break
Venue:Wesley Center Meeting/Guest Rooms 204 Minami-Aoyama 6-10-11
Directions / Google Map
Tuition: 20,000 JPY The fee includes refreshments during the workshop, the workshop itself and handouts Lunch will be independent.
Call: Cathy Bernatt's mobile phone: 090-4244-8559 if you are lost!
Languages: The workshop will be conducted in English & Japanese.
Refunds & Withdrawals
If participants withdraw within 2 weeks of the workshop, the organizers will retain 10% of the full fee. For participants who withdraw after that date and before the workshop start date, the organizers reserve the right to retain 50% of the full fee. If a participant fails to notify his or her withdrawal and does not attend, or if the participant withdraws at any time during the workshop, 90% of the full fee will be retained.
Payment & Refunds
Full payment of the tuition is required before May 2, 2011. If any participants enroll after the workshop is full they will have their fees fully refunded. Participants will be accepted in the order of their applications being received, up to a maximum of 30.
Please complete the registration form and email to cathy.bernatt@creating.bz or fax the form to 03-6383-0444. Each participant is requested to fill out a registration form. (Whilst expressions of interest and queries are welcomed, no formal enrollments will be taken without payment.)
By May 2, 2011, please send registration fee of 20,000 yen to the following bank account:
Bank Name: Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Branch: Ichigaya; Account number: 1277196; Account name: Cathy Bernatt.
Registration is NOT complete until you send the registration fee. Please note that this fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Send the full participation fee (20,000 yen) by May 2, 2011. If we do not receive your fee by that date, we may give your place to someone on the waiting list. Upon completion of payment, we will send you the full details.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, the workshop must be cancelled, all fees will be refunded in full.
APPLICANTS FROM OUTSIDE OF JAPAN, PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL TO Cathy Bernatt: cathy.bernatt@creating.bz
For Bookings and Queries Contact:
Cathy Bernatt atcathy.bernatt@creating.bz