Offsite Facilitation
Creating... specializes in three different areas
of offsite facilitation:
Custom Offsite Business Facilitation
Corporate Team Building
Special Collaborative Projects
Custom Offsite Business Facilitation
specializes in designing and facilitating customized offsite programs
for teams ranging from mid-level to top executive management. Select
members of our team have outdoor, experiential backgrounds and are
uniquely qualified to facilitate your indoor business sessions as
well as design experiential, action learning programs that are fully
integrated with your business goals and objectives.
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the photos |
We have run multi-day offsite programs in Tokyo, Singapore and Indonesia.
References are available upon request.
The role of our facilitators is to assist and guide the group's
process. Using non-directive leadership, we manage the process of
information exchange, and help members express and deal with conflict.
Corporate Team Building
More and more teams
today are operating in virtual environments from different sites
around the world. Many challenges arise within this reality. We
design custom programs with our clients that bring virtual and intact
teams together to explore both successes and real challenges they
are experiencing, and to strengthen relationships and work productivity.
Click here to see the photos |
We accomplish this by providing opportunities for people to communicate
face-to-face, compete, collaborate, reflect, dialogue and play together.
Special Collaborative Projects
When you
have macro goals to achieve, we collaborate with you to provide
innovative programs to help reach your goals. Two examples of projects
we have collaborated on with our clients are:
- Designing and facilitating a community Rhythm/Drum Circle for
the parents and children of a client for an annual event called
Bring Your Kid's To Work Day.
- For the past nine years Creating... and Outward
Bound Japan have collaborated on designing, directing and
facilitating an Outdoor Education program with an International
School in Tokyo for over a 120 grade 8 students every year.
Click on the pictures
to see the photos |
Tell us your needs and your goals and let us collaborate to create
something unique, experiential and unforgettable!